Join us on Sundays
- 9:15AM: Bible communities for all
- 10:45AM: Worship
- 4:00PM: AWANA
- 5:30PM: A Biblical Walk – Bible Study
- 5:30PM: Youth (The Way) Meets
Wednesday Night Schedule
- 6:00PM: Adult Bible Study on Zoom
- Spanish Bible Study I Activities Building
- Youth | Youth room
- Children | North Edu. Building | 2nd Floor
- Preschoolers | North Edu. Building | 1st Floor
- *Nursery available for babies.
- 7:00PM: Choir Practice (everyone welcome)
Small Groups - Sunday Nights
We have small groups that meet for Bible study, topical studies and more. They usually meet in homes on Sunday evenings. Sometimes, food is a part of the event!
Super Sundays
Every quarter we meet for fellowship, food, hear updates from church groups and teams, It is also a time for church business and inspirational sermons from our pastor. Don’t miss this “Super” fun event!
Current small groups
- A Biblical Walk led by John Harrelson
Sundays @5:30PM in room 208 - Call for more info. 936.336.6881